What if love was the opposite of what we think? What if you slept next to your enemy? On alert, in complete harmony between terror and devotion to your executioner. Constant challenges of the heart. Blood flows hot and cold heart pumping love
The selfishness of one who loves you just for you. The satisfaction of a passionate sex, cruel and completely terrifying. Naked
to evil, the eyes of a victim needs to feel alive.
caress you with the same hands that could one day surround your neck if I am animal.
whisper in my ear I love poems with the sweet voice with which you may also delight in the last words I hear. Long
springs blooms. Dark winters of hugs in front of the fireplace.
The fire in my eyes will burn.
Alliances, unite us forever, is the sweet circle of routine, casual selfishness, by which two souls come together to end up destroying themselves.
interlace our hands and watch the horizon without crossing our eyes because maybe we would see the true horror reflected in our retinas.
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