The waves of the drowned back and forth between life and death. At the bottom of its waters lie the bodies of sailors and unwary. In the dark depths of the dead speak ...
On the shore, life passes through the tears of widows and the despair of mothers.
One night began the legend of the mysterious beach. Words with the wind and the sea ... the picks. Of the calm waters emerged a bottle with a message. A message from the beyond to make contact with the living. Were the words of a sailor led his young widow
sick since then ... Nothing could console the girl who was left to die of grief. Every day he went to the seashore to mourn for her husband.
In the village there was no talk of anything else. The sea brought messages in bottles. The solace of the living dead. Hundreds of men and women locked up his words and hurled into the depths waiting for prompt response. The miracle is happening day after day.
Love letters, photographs of newborn babies, all that could not be said that in life now from the other world ...
Suddenly, one day the happy family stopped receiving messages. Never again no response. It was as if the sea had given them a truce, a lesson of hope for the afterlife. The dead will live forever in our hearts wherever they are and always remember those left behind.
Legends are just that ... legends. But the sea of \u200b\u200bdrowning has many witnesses to what happened there for several months. The comfort of being able to say goodbye to loved ones made wane punishment of those who stayed ashore.
In memory of the mysterious incident has built a statue of a bottle with a message on the seashore.
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